Limonite quartz and pyrite

One very aesthetic cabinet-size specimen of thin, very well-shaped clear quartz crystals, coated by limonite and overgrowth by very lustrous pyrite crystals.

Mirror lustrous galena and chalcopyrite

One beautiful cebinet size specimen of  clear quartz crystals, overgrowth by chalcopyrite with nice striation and mirror lustrous galena crystals.
Borieva mine, Madan, Bulgaria

Chalcopyrite, sphalerite-marmatite, quartz and pyrite

One very interesting, strongly weathered, large cabinet-size specimen of black sphalerite-marmatite and quartz, covered by very well-developed chalcopyrite crystals, lately internally corroded and replaced by pyrite.

Twined galena crystals with quartz and chamosite

An incredible specimen of flat pseudohexagonal spinel law twinned galena crystals, slightly dissolved on the edges, followed by clear quartz crystals, and overgrowth by small spherulites of green chamosite