One outstanding specimen of large pink manganocalcite crystal developed on chalcedony with a light bluish hue, overgrowth by steep calcite scalenohedral crystals, covered by thin quartz, and lately dissolved particularly.
Тип минерал: psudomorph
Pseudomorph of calcite after calcite with dolomite coated by limonite
Morphology miracle. One very rare specimen of pseudomorph of calcite after calcite with dolomite coated by limonite. Morphology is very rare because of parallel growing of steep scalenohedron calcite crystal and two isometric rhombohedron calcite crystals.
Calcite rose – pseudomorph of calcite after calcite with quartz
An excellent cabinet size specimen, presenting flat calcite crystals ( paperspat) filling a cavity in the mother rock, fallowed by second generation of small yellow-brownish calcite crystals, covering quartz crystals.
Calcite after calcite psudomorph on quartz coated by lemonite
One very aesthetic cabinet size specimen of quartz crystals overgrought by calcite and lately covered with several generation of calcite aggregates, In the end all minerals were coated by lemonite.
Calcite after calcite on quartz pseudomorph
Calcite steep scalenohedron crystals, developed on the top of quartz and followed by several generation of micrograne calcite
Quartz after calcite pseudomorph, particularly coated by limonite
One aesthetic specimen showing quartz aggregate covering steep calcite crystal fallowed by second generation calcite. In the end of mineralization process all minerals were coated by limonite, but permanently color stay just on calcite.
Calcite ater calcite pseudomorph
A very attractive specimen of steep calcite scalenohedrons followed by thin quartz layers and covered with several portions of later generation of calcite. The crystals were broken by tectonic moves and later rehealed by transparent calcite.
Calcite after quartz, after stilbite pseudomorph with quartz crystals
An extraordinary cabinet size specimen of large quartz crystals covered with very well terminated bundles of stilbite crystals lately replaced by calcite and covered with quartz aggregates
Quartz after calcite after quartz pseudomorph
A nice aesthetic specimen presenting steep calcite scalenohedron crystals, developed on quartz, lately covered by second-generation quartz.