An excellent, cabinet size specimen of black sphalerite – marmatite, covered by green quartz – praze, and overgrowth by galena.
Тип минерал: prazem
Galena, pyrite, sphalerite and quartz
One beautiful cabinet size specimen of quartz on mother rock and prazem overgrowth by pyrite and black sphalerite- marmatite and well shaped cubic galena crystals
Sphalerite – marmatite, galena chalcopyrite and prazem – green quartz
One excellent specimen presenting singenetically developed skeletal galena crystals and one very well developed sphalerite – marmatite with „snake skin“ surface, on the top of light green quartz – prazem.
Galena, chalcopyrite sphalerite and green quartz – prazem
A beautiful specimen presenting well-terminated galena cubic crystals, covered by chalcopyrite and sphalerite-marmatite with green quartz on the top.