Chalcopyrite, sphalerite-marmatite, quartz and pyrite

One very interesting, strongly weathered, large cabinet-size specimen of black sphalerite-marmatite and quartz, covered by very well-developed chalcopyrite crystals, lately internally corroded and replaced by pyrite.

Chalcopyrite, Galena, sphalwrite-marmatite, quartz and rhodochrosite

One unique specimen of galena, overgrowth by large bright chalcopyrite crystals with very aesthetic striation on the crystal faces and followed by quartz and black sphalerite – marmatite. In the end of the crystallization process crystalized several beautiful hallow rhodochrosite crystals, following the shape of dissolved calcite crystals.

Chalcopyrite, pyrite, bornite, covelite

An outstanding and extremely rare specimen of pseudomorph of pyrite after sphalerite and chalcopyrite, on quartz.. Giudurska mine, Erma reka, Zlatograd area, Bulgaria

Rainbow pyrite with quartz

One very nice , cabinet size specimen of well terminated cubic pyrite crystals, covered by quartz strongly oxidated to bornite in some parts of the specimen.